
The occupational safety dashboard

The screenshot shows a small section of the occupational safety dashboard

Compact information for management

The frequency of calls and video conferences is getting shorter and shorter. 30 minutes is better than 60 minutes.

The quality of the media and formats is essential if a message is to get through. The better the preparation of the conference, the more successful the outcome. 

The success factors of a successful conference

  1. Topics
    • Maximum of three topics, maximum of three sub-topics each
    • Marked as information / for decision / debate
    • No slow sellers, no "we have" adulation
    • Looking ahead: what's still missing to reach the goal
  2. Organization
    • Invitation names moderator 
    • Invitation must show the agenda
    • Agenda should be coordinated with the decision-makers
    • 30 minutes, maximum 60 minutes
    • Set up and test media technology 15 minutes in advance
    • Start on time (do not wait for latecomers)
    • Cell phone in silent mode
    • End on time.

If you think about these recommendations further, you almost inevitably come up with an important conference tool.

Occupational safety dashboard

The occupational safety dashboard shows the key figures at a glance.

Screenshot shows the complete occupational safety dashboard

This "dashboard" format will be rolled out successively for all customer companies with more than 20 employees.

The data is updated at least once a year, depending on the size of the company.

In the near future, this will create a time series that will show the development of occupational safety at a glance.

That is the plan.